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来源:整理 时间:2024-05-08 23:49:14 编辑:皮来回收 手机版



thermage/?θ??m?d?/ 中文里没有 / θ / 这个音,把齿尖放在上下齿中间,发“瑟”音。听上去类似“瑟米基”。


2,interpreter 这个英文单词怎么读

英语很简单,千万不要用谐音,造个句子分音节慢慢喃喃自语练习,很快会读了流利:例如:He is an “inter" - -"pre" - "ter" .

interpreter 这个英文单词怎么读

3,some biscuits英文怎么读

some biscuits谐音:萨姆 逼思kei次
but there are no biscuits but i have some cakes 这儿没有饼干,不过我有一些蛋糕这里中间那个横线上应该填一个表转折的,所以用but

some biscuits英文怎么读


NEGRO abbr. National Economic Growth and Reconstruction Organization 国家经济增长和重建组织; [例句]His interest in Negro spirituals and jazz began when he was a young boy.还是一个小孩子,他对黑人圣歌和爵士乐就有了浓厚的兴趣。

5,Yves Rocher 英文怎么读

是女的,Y发音标i:(一)V E发饿 S 后面一个应该会吧,肉切尔,哈哈哈,这个产品我不熟悉啦,英文还是会读的
Yves Rocher 是法国品牌,我感觉这个品牌在法国这边做得跟雅芳差不多了,总打折。按法语念法,和英文音标是不一样,而且法语中有些音用中文还真不太好表达,我只能尽量说明白些 Yves——可以发成义务(注意没有音调,发平音的) 再说Rocher——分两个音节,Ro+cher R -发“喝”的音, o -就发拼音里的o音好了 ch -发“师”音 er - 在法语里发英文音标里的”ei“音 所以,你就连起来念——喝哦 师ei 呵呵,还真不好打!估计你是看不太懂,我只能努力说到这个程度了…… 希望你开心,漂亮!
这个明明是法语嘛...一看YVES就知道了 法语音标和英语还是有差别的额。 VES发 vu的音,可以谐音成 伏哦(快速连起来念),当然也只是谐音 所以YVES念 伊(伏哦) 接下来就是ROCHER,法语的R不是英语当中的R的读法,一般是不读出声的,所以没谐音能打出来啦 ROCHER谐音为 :ong舌儿 创始人是女性.... 我喜欢的是她家的纤体霜,在今天7月份的MINA上看见的,还蛮不错的,价格在400多一点. 主要做的是植物精华那种...


JIGS 是卷染。说法不一样,不知道你要哪一个
谢谢了刚染厂的朋友说斜管是 Rapid dyeing平缸是Jigger dyeing共享之
Continuous ranges are used whenever large volumes of a relative few styles ofspeed) through stages and compartments which provide the chemicals, time,temperature and rinsing needed for cleaning the fabric. Many fabrics go through athree section range where each section is dedicated to desize, to scour and to bleach.Some fabrics however, may only require one or two steps to complete the preparationfabrics are being processed. The fabric moves continuously (at relative high rates ofprocess. For example knit goods are not sized so desizing is not necessary.Synthetic yarns may not need to be bleached. Some fabrics may go through onesection where desizing, scouring and bleaching is accomplished in one step. The prosand cons of each of these set-ups become fabric specific and the appropriate procedureis determined by trial and error.


